Remote proctoring transforms the capabilities of a leading educational assessment service provider | HCLTech
Remote proctoring transforms the capabilities of a leading educational assessment service provider

With the advent of COVID-19, institutions across the global education industry faced the challenge of conducting assessments successfully. As manual proctoring of thousands of students at the same time is not possible, preventing cheating became a tasking task for universities.

A multi-billion-dollar educational assessment company with 50,000 employees across 70 countries wanted to implement a platform that replicates the traditional exam experience with a robust online assessment platform.

They wanted to upgrade the existing platform, which lacked the desired scalability and agility to accommodate new assessment modules. With HCLTech's scalable AI/ML remote proctoring platform, the client could transform their EDtech stack without a hitch.

Read the case study to understand how our Remote Proctoring platform helped the client to achieve 92 % accuracy in prohibited item/activity detection and many other outcomes.

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