What is ui developer role? | HCLTech

What is ui developer role?

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A UI developer’s role is to translate creative software design concepts and ideas into reality using front end technology. They understand the user interface design solution both in its practical intent and creative vision, and convert it into engineered softwares.
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A UI Developer is the bridge between presentation layer and the backend layer, who understands both and creates a niche as the translational layer in between, so that both lives up to its full potential and are not compromised because of each other.

The task of a user experience designer is to design and create a software interfaces by prioritizing Users and business requirements over technology limitations and constraints. The UI developer, participates in the design process as a consultant on possibilities, takes the design that is created by the UX Designer as an input, understands it, knows enough to appreciate it, work through the constraints and execute the design vision into engineered reality.

Their role needs the following skills:

  • In depth knowledge of user interface development tech stack and frameworks such as, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, ReactJS, VueJS, Typescript, AJAX, etc.
  • A level of design and business understanding so as to not compromise on business goals and design intents.
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