HCLTech Advantage Pega TRAIN | HCLTech


Are you grappling with the challenge of analyzing production support tickets efficiently? Is the manual effort growing as the ticket volume increases? If identifying categories and providing solutions has become a time-consuming process, taking 2= hours for every 1,000 tickets, we have a solution for you.

Introducing HCLTech Advantage Pega TRAIN. Say goodbye to manual ticket analysis with our revolutionary solution. Here’s how it works:

  • Upload ticket dump: Simply upload your ticket data (6 months, 1 year or more) to the Pega application.
  • Keyword update: Customize keywords as needed based on ticket details.
  • Automated analysis: Pega employs Natural Language Processing (NLP), decision rules and business rules to categorize tickets efficiently. Results are updated in a user-friendly table.
  • Choose your format: Select your preferred output format, either PDF or Excel.
  • Download and resolve: Download the categorized data and start working on reducing tickets immediately.
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HCLTech Advantage Pega TRAIN

Unveiling the multifaceted benefits

Dive into the features of HCLTech Advantage Pega TRAIN

Pega's cutting-edge technologies

Harnesses Pega's NLP and AI/ML capabilities that can be further trained to adapt to evolving needs.


Not limited to Pega tickets — can be trained for non-Pega tickets, as well.

Comprehensive reports

Provides detailed reports including causal analysis, trend charts and quick summaries for informed decision-making.

Transform your ticket analysis process today with HCLTech Advantage Pega TRAIN. Streamline, automate and enhance your production support efficiency with a single click. For more details, reach out to us at digitaltransformation@hcl.com.