IT-OT Converged Secure Network Transformation | HCLTech
IT-OT converged secure network transformation


Information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) systems have coexisted in the process industry for a long time. Digitalization and smart manufacturing have accelerated the all-important convergence of these domains in the process industry. Thus, a coordinated IT-OT approach is becoming critical for accomplishing business and mission goals as well as the resilience of the infrastructure. In collaboration with HCLTech's managed services expertise, Cisco offers an IT-OT convergence framework to simplify the digital transformation journey across industries.

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Reduce defects
Reduce defects
Workforce productivity
Workforce productivity
Faster time to market
Faster time to market
Lower inventory
Lower inventory
Maximize OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)
Maximize OEE (overall equipment effectiveness)
Reduce energy
Reduce energy
Mitigate security threats and risks
Mitigate security threats and risks