Progress for a Better Planet: HCLTech Go Green Initiative | HCLTech
Progress for a Better Planet
integrating digital technology and sustainability

Progress for a Better Planet

At HCLTech, we recognize the impact that a global IT company can have on the environment and we therefore strive to establish a new benchmark for environmental stewardship within our industry. Through tangible initiatives and strategic partnerships, we actively collaborate with local stakeholders to drive positive change at the grassroots level.

To address the pressing global environmental challenges, we have implemented robust measures to minimize our environmental footprint locally by prioritizing sustainability initiatives across our offices worldwide. From embracing energy-efficient practices in our buildings to implementing waste reduction and recycling programs, as well as promoting green transportation options like electric vehicles for our employees, we actively contribute to fostering a more sustainable future for all.

Our environmental initiatives are not isolated acts but rather part of a company-wide, strategic framework that aligns with international standards to maximize our contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are certified to ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System) and ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Management System).

We also hold ISO 50001 certification for our energy management system as well as ISO 14064 for our GHG emissions.

Our comprehensive approach to environmental challenges focuses on critical areas such as renewable energy adoption, waste management, emissions reduction and sustainable supply chain practices.

We hold ourselves accountable for reducing our environmental impact and promoting environmental stewardship through transparent reporting and measurable goals.

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Renewable energy

Renewable energy
Transition 80% of our electricity to renewable sources by 2030

Waste management

Waste management
Achieve zero waste to landfill at all owend facilities by 2025

Emission Targets

Emission targets
50% absolute emission redusction on Scope 1 and 2 by 2030, net zero by 2040

Supply Chain Process

Supply chain process
Reduce absolute Scope 3-all other indirect emissions that occur in a company's value chain-GHG emissions by 42%

Carbon offset

Carbon offset
Commit to afforestation, habitat restoration, water conservation and evironment education