An Enterprise Guide to Undertaking the Platform Adoption Journey | HCLTech

An enterprise guide to undertaking the platform adoption journey

Navigating the Path to Digital Transformation
April 10, 2024
April 10, 2024
An enterprise guide to undertaking the platform adoption journey

In today’s rapidly evolving digital world, businesses must undertake strategic digital transformation initiatives to keep up with the ever-changing consumer preferences and workplace needs. Digital platforms are a foundation for enterprise digital transformation, enabling enhanced customer and stakeholder experiences, optimizing operations, fostering innovation and driving sustainable growth.

In recent years, the platform market has seen remarkable growth at a tremendous rate of over 40% YoY, and the trend is projected to continue in the next few years. While enterprises across industries are already embracing platforms for their digital transformation, a significant portion of them are yet to fully realize their potential by using them to effectively meet user and stakeholder needs. This is due to several implementation-related challenges, including knowledge gaps, resource limitations, scalability issues and a lack of proper governing mechanisms.

Introducing the latest whitepaper, "Navigating the path to digital transformation: An enterprise guide to undertaking the platform adoption journey," from Everest group and sponsored by HCLTech. It explores a four-step framework to simplify and accelerate the enterprise platform journey. Download the whitepaper now to learn how enterprises can navigate their implementation challenges and successfully adopt the platform-based approach to digital transformation.

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