HCLTech migrates SAP Apps to AWS for a UK-based gas distributor | HCLTech

HCLTech migrates SAP Apps to AWS for a UK-based gas distributor

Our customized service delivery model and cloud migration framework led to a 60% improvement in operational efficiencies
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Our client is a major British gas distributor looking to separate one of their business entities from the parent company, drive innovation and upgrade their overall IT infrastructure to reduce the lead time for capacity planning. HCLTech leveraged the AWS cloud to drive their transformation through a customized service delivery model and a 360-degree cloud migration framework, resulting in zero downtime and a 60% improvement in operational efficiency.

The Challenge

Our client was preparing to separate one of their business entities from the parent company and wanted to drive innovation within their organization. Challenges included:

The Challenge
  • Reducing the lead time for capacity planning
  • Reconciling legacy code in on-premises front-office systems
  • Infrastructure nearing end-of-life
  • Limited speed in managing enterprise applications
  • Reducing governance and oversight for SAP and non-SAP operations
  • Identifying a solution that offered a secure, scalable and high-availability environment

The Objective

They sought to implement a solution to minimize governance and oversight for SAP and non-SAP operations. Specific objectives:

The Objective
  • Focus on cloud migration
  • Ensure system availability, performance, security and functionality
  • Modernize the legacy applications and re-platform to the public cloud platform
HCLTech migrates SAP Apps to AWS for a UK-based gas distributor

The Solution

We instituted an innovative service delivery model and a 360-degree cloud migration framework for operating system/database (OS/DB) conversion of production systems on AWS Cloud.

The Solution
  • Selection of AWS Public Cloud as the optimal solution
  • Implementation of a 360-degree cloud migration framework for OS/DB conversion in production systems on AWS
  • Utilization of an innovative service delivery model
  • Modernization and re-platforming of legacy applications onto the public cloud
  • Transition from Oracle database to cost-efficient SAP apps, including SAP ASE on the AWS cloud platform
  • Application of the move group strategy and careful planning of business continuity management (BCM) migration
  • Usage of data migration approaches to ensure virtually zero downtime for migrating the production SAP environment

The Impact

After implementation, the legacy applications were modernized and re-platformed to the public cloud platform.

The Impact
  • Zero downtime migration
  • 60% improvement in operational efficiency
  • Near-zero recovery point objective (RPO) with less than five minutes recovery time objective (RTO) in the BCM solution
  • Seamless transition and enhanced system performance and security