Streamline and fast-track the shift to modern device management | HCLTech

Streamline and fast-track the shift to modern device management

August 05, 2022
Mortha Venkat Naidu


Mortha Venkat Naidu
Enterprise Architect - Digital Workplace Consulting Practice
August 05, 2022

Streamline and fast track the shift to modern device management

Workplace services are changing faster than ever, with an increased demand to support different types of devices as part of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Choose Your Own Device (CYOD) policies. Organizations are facing challenges to manage the wide variety of devices (PCs, servers, mobile devices—iOS, Mac OS X, and Android—their end-point security, and the virtual machines operating across various platforms, including Windows, and Linux/Unix) with multiple tools.

All these factors result in increased costs in terms of resources, licenses, and infrastructure. This compels organizations to look for a unified device management platform to manage all devices and provide device usage choice for employees with access to the right set of applications, while meeting corporate data protection and compliance requirements.

With device management services, organizations can now enable employees to work from anywhere, any time, and on any device, with secured and seamless access to business productivity resources. Our services not only enable technology, but we also focus on organization change management because the transformation from legacy workplace services to digital workplace poses a significant cultural change.

Re-architect how enterprise IT delivers and manages applications,
devices, security, and services

Device Management Services is a comprehensive solution to securely manage any kind of end-user mobility and computing device of choice enabling a productive workforce while working from anywhere. It solves the challenges of device management in today’s mobile and remote work environment by unifying end-point management tools under one umbrella. The five-pronged approach of enabling device, security, and Windows helps organizations improve the end user experience by providing access to corporate resources from anywhere and on any device.


Enabling devices

The first step towards a modern workplace is the choice of device extended to users. This enables organizations to ensure that data and processes are accessible through any device, combined with a superior user experience.

  • Devices are physical (desktop/laptop/mobile) and virtual (Microsoft/VMware/Citrix)
  • Single window for mobile and PC management
  • Allow end users to select (BYOD/CYOD) by enabling your organization’s security policies and industry best practices
  • Integrated solutions for end-to-end device life cycle management—from procurement to retirement
  • Unified console by integration with Microsoft management tools and third party applications by leveraging Graph-API’s and vendor connectors
  • Readiness and compatibility insights for applications and upgrades
  • Optimized license costs for applications and increased support efficiency

Accelerate the shift to the modern workplace with unified device management

Enabling security

Always-on monitoring of all the organization data flowing across users, devices, and applications makes this a highly secure solution. User access is securely tied to the identities and policies of the organization.

  • Enhance security by enabling cloud-based security with authentication, authorization, and automation
  • Enable preventative protection, automated investigation, and response
  • Secure access to corporate data from devices and SAML-based SSO for applications
  • Facilitate data classification and labeling
  • Configure apps based on insights to prevent risky usage

Enabling windows

This feature enables a seamless upgrade to Windows 10/11 with the evergreen approach of regular Windows updates customized for the client. Leveraging modern application packaging (MSIX) enables enterprises to stay updated with current applications.,

  • Latest productivity and security capabilities with hardware support
  • Zero-touch IT—from bare metal to production Windows PC
  • Categorize and prioritize applications for version upgrades
  • Device performance for cloud attachment

Enabling application

This service enables transforming your organization’s classic applications format from MSI/EXE/Script to modern packaging for all Windows applications. Applications developed using the MSIX package run on the system inside the container, and use file systems and registry virtualization to handle isolated child processes.

  • Quick turnaround time to deliver the application to production
  • Reduce applications packaging timeline for new application/upgrading the existing application from weeks to days/hours
  • Reduce the overall impact on network bandwidth by downloading only the 64k block
  • Enable disk optimization without duplicating files between apps, while Windows manage shared files between apps. However, these applications run independently, so updates don’t impact other apps that share the file

Enabling analytics

This solution enables persona segregation with data analytics. It includes assessment reports, persona definition, and workplace stacks (organization resource utilization), thereby driving business productivity and user satisfaction. It enables stakeholders to retain Gen Z talent, optimize ROI, increase collaboration and mobility, and boost security.

  • Align resource and access to end-users as per their persona
  • Enable proactive issue identification and resolution
  • Increase end-user experience and productivity by enabling uptime of resources
  • Facilitate self-service access to end users from anywhere and on any device
  • Integrate with ITSM tools for effective tracking and response

Business benefits

Device management’s modernized platform delivers industry-specific solutions to provide enhanced identity, security, and end-user experience. The key benefits include:

  • Simple steps in delivering authorized devices to users without any IT team’s intervention
  • Modernized application deployment enabling end user access from any device
  • Customized Windows updates for enterprises with an evergreen approach
  • Faster service rollout; secure and simplified access to organizational resources
  • Lower TCO with a consolidated management tool and unified application ecosystem

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